I didn't take pictures today, so I'll share one from our trip to Stones River Battlefield in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, yesterday. This is a small section of Union soldier graves. Across the street and beyond the fence is the battlefield. 24,000 men were killed in three days, December 31, 1862 to January 2, 1863. We learned that the Battle of Murfreesboro was one of the bloodiest in the entire Civil War.
It's very humbling to read about this battle...and people are upset about the death toll in Iraq..
Very sobering walking among the headstones. Even in 20 years of Vietnam, 63,000 Americans were killed, I think. Puts it in perspective. People are ignorant of American history. That's why we're doomed to repeat it.
Americans today would never defend their beliefs or their country like they did during the Civil War! It's very humbling to know that many people died during that one battle!
The Civil War seems more like a story not actual history... visiting this battlefield made it real for me.
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