Every time we eat out with grand daughter Shelby, she amuses herself with making gross food combination concoctions. An uneaten bun from an Arby's roast beef sandwich, salt, pepper, Sweet n Low, a little salsa and ketchup and maybe a curly fry or two--it all makes for a totally repulsive sandwich. She and Neil always offer each other money if one of them will actually take a bite. I think she did take a bite out of one of these once for five bucks. But that's the last time she did it. This need to gross people out is genetic, apparently. Her mom used to do the same thing.
I wonder where she gets that from? I remember Holly doing that as well :-)
The only real memory I have of Holly doing that was after Chris's graduation (I think), we all went to Red Lobster (I think) and Holly made this horrible food combo that made Don turn green! That was funny!
I have a son who used to do this..the grosser the better!! Don't worry...they eventually out grow it.
Holly did that a lot... trying to make Don sick, I think
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