My great great grandfather, Robert James Campbell Gailbreath, a Confederate soldier from Gainesboro, Tennessee, was wounded in the Battle of Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862. His arm was amputated and he died January 12, 1863. He is buried in a mass grave along with 2000 other Confederate soldiers in Evergreen Cemetery in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I've always wanted to visit his grave site and got the chance today. Our daughter, Kelly, lives in Murfreesboro not far from the battlefield where her great great great grandfather was wounded and later died. We spent this beautiful afternoon with the dead, walking around The Confederate Circle at Evergreen, then heading over to the battlefield at Stone's River where the thousands of Union soldiers are buried. We spent a lot of time in the cemetery. The next time we visit, we plan to walk the battlefield and maybe get a feel for some of the last moments of RJC Gailbreath's life. By the way, his name is misspelled on the headstone.
I have always wanted to go there! Need to do that soon!
Wow! I would like to visit, too.
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