I love pumpkins. I especially love gnarly pumpkins. This is the gnarliest of gnarly pumpkins I believe I've ever seen.

I set out two pots of red mums on the front porch today. If they could speak, they would say, "Fall!"

I was wandering about the back yard with my camera this afternoon, as I often do, and these bugs caught my eye. They were gathered in a cluster on a rusty garden stake. I know they must be some kind of beetle. I've looked on the Internet and can't find any pictures similar to these. Anyone?

I found some gel sticker Halloween decorations at Super D drug store last week. Elijah and Shelby had a bunch of fun decorating the front storm door with them this afternoon.

They posed with the scarecrow and the pumpkins on the bench out front. Shelby got to go on a field trip to Muddy Pond with her class today. She bought that little pumpkin for fifty cents. I had to beg Elijah to put his nice sweater back on for this picture. He said it was hot and scratchy, but he relented after I promised him he could take it back off after I got done taking pictures.
I love, love, love your gnarly pumpkin :) Shelby and Elijah I could just eat them up! Your decorations are awesome! Thanks for the smile, sis! I really needed it today!
Your house is always so cozy & inviting, especially in the Fall! Love the decorations (and those cute kids!) Those bugs are pretty neat, too! I wonder what they are?
Just another day at the Ranft's! Love that GNARLEY pumpkin...never seen one like it! The kids crack me up as usual! Those are interesting bugs... cool find! (Michael Jackson's Thriller is playing on Pandora in the background... how appropriate :o)
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