The Nashville Flea Market has been around for a long time, making its home every fourth weekend of every month at the Nashville Fairgrounds. This flea market is listed in the top ten flea markets in the nation. Neil and I have been junkin here regularly for the past six or seven years. But the current leadership in Nashville has the idea that this piece of property could better be used in some other (money making) way. If they get their wish, the Tennessee State Fair, the speedway, the flea market and a whole host of other events that take place there will soon be history. We beg to disagree and readily signed the petition to save the Nashville Fairgrounds. The city council will hold a meeting on the matter in February. In the meantime, the flea market is scheduled to run through the end of this year. Neil and I plan to visit as many as we can before another Nashville icon becomes a memory.
This makes me so sad :( I wish the powers that be in Nashville would reconsider closing down the Flea Market! Hate to see the track go too. Lots of NASCAR history there as well. We need to get there before they close it all down.
I'm betting they close it before the year is over. Hate to see it go!
I wish it could be saved! That's where we 1st saw 3DN!!!
A little over two years ago, I saw the writing on the wall and created www.savenashvillespeedway.com. I had an online petition that gathered over 3000 signatures in about 2 or 3 months.
Now that other "stakeholders" are figuring out that their activity or event it threatened, there's a little more noise being made to save the Fairgrounds. I hope it works, but I don't have faith in a local government that just voted to spend nearly a billion dollars to build a convention center that we don't need.
Save the clock tower!!!! Save the clock tower! ... Back to the Future
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