I loves me some crocks but didn't buy any.

Always lots of weirdness at the market...like this head.

I always see vintage boots but never buy--just not practical plus my big feet would never fit inside these tiny shoes.

More heads. Maybe to display wigs. They were all lined up on a shelf which looked really neat, but before I could take a picture, this young guy started picking them up and moving them around. He actually bought two of them. And was very picky about which ones he chose. Would love to know what that was all about.

It must have been head day at the flea market. They were everywhere.

Can you believe this old camera? I think it's called a box camera. I saw lots of ancient cameras today. A collector could have a field day buying those.

I really like this head. She may end up as my profile picture on Facebook one of these days. Love her flirty little green hat that matches her eyes.

Hey, look, it's my head. Gratuitous self-portrait of me all cold and wet at the flea market today. Just plain fun.

Nice collection of purple medicine bottles. This glass does not start out this color, but it turns purple through some sort of natural chemical process over time. (Blurry pic, too. Seems most of my pics today are blurry.)

Besides the heads, this is probably the wackiest thing I saw there--a shopping cart full of pink flamingos. Everyone should have at least one pink flamingo in the front yard.

Somebody had an actual fire hydrant for sale (a hundred bucks) and advertised it as a 'dog potty trainer'. Would look great in the front yard along side the pink flamingo.

And last but not least, the flea market is where I go when I need to stock up on ammo. This booth sold all sorts of vintage military stuff--boots, hats, uniforms, ammo....and another weird wacky head to help display it all. Rambo would love it.
Neil and I had a good time browsing around, even though it was cold and wet. We met up with daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry afterward for some soup and salad at Olive Garden. Very enjoyable. And we even managed not to lock ourselves out of the truck this time.
Happy TGIF, everyone!