When I started this blog in 2009, I also started making scrapbook pages using my pictures from the blog--a picture a day for a year--but using a weekly format for each page. Needless to say, I'm way behind in the scrapbooking department. I did a few pages today and got caught up to week thirty of 2009, which happens to coincide with the present week. So here's a snapshot of a week that was. Some things have changed: Eddie Kitty is no longer with us, grandson Elijah has grown several inches, and the front porch could use another coat of paint. But some things are the same: we still enjoy Harry Potter movie weekends, I made a lemon ice box pie today, and the kids still get a kick out of throwing rocks into the pond where my mom lives. While life is flying by me at the speed of light, I'm grateful I've got some snapshots to remember what was.
Time is flying by! Hard to believe that 2010 will soon be over. I bet it seems like yesterday that you took these pictures.
What would we do without our memories!
Memories, like the corner of my mind...tiny pictures... ~Tom Hanks, Big~
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