Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Eight 2010

Picture Postcards From Paradise


Jane said...

So, did you see any tar balls? :-) Glad you made it there safely!

Jane said...

ps - do they provide lots of scrub brushes, or does everyone share the same one? Gross!! :-)

kayranft said...

No tar balls. The sand looks clean. Yes, gross me out is what we all thought when we saw those stupid brushes. Can you imagine anybody using those to scrub their feet?! I have no idea if they have more or if they change them now and then. Ack!

ceee said...

Looks fun! I'm so jealous! :)

Ann S. said...

Glad you guys made it safely and are having a good time and haven't seen any tarballs! Destin is such a beautiful place. Hope to get back there someday.