I ordered some lenses for my cell phone camera. I know that sounds crazy. I certainly never had heard of such a thing, but Photojojo--a web site that is all things photography--has them. I got a fish eye, macro, and wide angle lens.

These tiny lenses stick over the regular lens of a cell phone camera.

I took this pic of my rings with the macro lens. Not too shabby for a little cell phone camera. The link for Photojojo is http://www.photojojo.com/ if you're into unusual camera accessories and photography tips. Fun stuff.
I didn't know they made lenses for cell phone cameras. That is some cool stuff and I love the pictures! That macro shot of your rings is pretty amazing!
Hard to believe that these are cell phone pics! How neat! Love those cool lenses!
That is the coolest!!! I want them!!! Your ring is so pretty!!! Is that a star on your band? Never seen them so up close and personal before!!! LOVE THEM!!!!
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