Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day Three Hundred Seven 2010

Wet Wednesday

There was no sun for my sun catcher wind chimes to catch today. (I took this picture through the glass window on my front door and got a double exposure effect.)

Raindrops decorate the berries on the hawthorn tree.
The colors on the leaves really stand out when they're wet. A soggy chilly day all around, with a blast of cold air on its way by tomorrow. Happy Middle Of The Week, Everyone!


Jane said...

Cool double exposure effect! Love the rain on the berries and the beautiful leaves!

Ann S. said...

That first shot is too cool! Love the berries and the wet leaves. Wonder why the color is more vivid when they're wet? Beautiful!

Kelly said...

Yeah, raindrop berries is my fave but I love them all!!!