My hubby Neil celebrates his 60th birthday on February 28, so of course his family got together (a day early) to make sport of him and inflict torture on him to mark this major milestone in yet another completed trip around the sun.

His airplane-shaped birthday cakes were made by my daughter's good friend and consummate cake baker, Tammy, who, I believe, outdid herself this time. Kudos to Tammy! That cake was to die for. And for those of you who don't know my hubby, his passion (in his old age) is building and flying remote controlled airplanes, thus the airplane cakes.

No, that is not Elton John in those glasses. That is hubby Neil blowing out his candles while grandson Elijah sounds the trumpet and granddaughter Shelby ends the birthday song with a flourish. Hope he made a good wish. Probably had something to do with airplanes.
Happy Birthday, Neil! Love you man! We enjoyed your partay today :0)
I'm glad Neil is such a good sport. Of course, you wouldn't last long in this family if you weren't! :0) Have fun torturing him tomorrow! Love y'all! Thanks for having us over.
Happy Day Before Your Birthday!!! Had fun making fun of you all day! You can get me back when I'm 60 :o)
Tell Neil I said happy birthday! I really wish you could have gotten a picture of him tripping! :)
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