Hubby Neil was in destroy mode today as round two of our ceiling renovation began. After uncovering some nice vintage bead board in one half of the room a couple of weeks ago, we were hoping to find the same on the other side of the room. No such luck. It was very disappointing but not too surprising to find the other half of the ceiling covered in plywood. There are two separate ceilings because our big old living room used to be two separate rooms way back when. So much for sanding and painting. I guess that would have been too simple. So on to Plan B, which is...we're not sure. Neil is tilting toward Sheetrock. Stay tuned. But don't hold your breath.
Sorry you guys won't be able to do what you had planned to do with your ceiling :( Ain't that always the way? Do you plan on doing the sheetrock yourselves?
We really don't want to do it ourselves unless we have to. Been there, done that, was not fun. Sheetrock is heavy and awkward, especially when you're trying to attach it to a ten foot ceiling :)We did our dining room and hall ceilings ourselves back when we were younger and less wiser people.
Bummer about the plywood! I'm sure you will come up with something really neat! Good luck with it!
Ah man!!! Well that stinks! Was hoping for the a beadboard ceiling. Glad to see some progress!!!
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