Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixty Four 2012

I noticed a branch or two on our Red Maple tree in the back yard have leaves with red veins, almost as though they’re bleeding, or already changing color, which can’t be a good thing. I’ve never seen the tree do this before. It’s kind of weird, don’t you think?


Jane said...

No, I have not seen a tree do this before. Hmmmm.... wonder what that's about? I'll have to check out our maple tree tomorrow to see if it has anything like that going on.

Ann S. said...

I haven't seen a tree do that either. We have a couple of maple trees in our front yard and they don't look like that. I think it looks really cool though :0)

Kelly said...

Oooh weird! Reminds me of The War of the Worlds/Tom Cruise version...the earth started growing red veins...eeek!!!