Showing posts with label Day Ninety Nine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day Ninety Nine. Show all posts

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day Ninety Nine

TGIF~Pardon My Random

You can't use that in Scrabble. It's not a word. But we all know what it means.

You Are Here.

I had to throw away this trash can. I love the irony.

Aerial view of Buddy Cat eating. Again.

It's what's for supper. And it was yummy. Hope your TGIF was yummy. With some random thrown in for good measure.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day Ninety Nine


And they're off!

Counting eggs

Shelby and friend

Elijah and goodies
We live across the street from my grand daughter's school. Shelby's teacher asked if her second grade class could have their egg hunt in my backyard. Well of course I said yes! This afternoon, about 25 second graders ran wildly around the yard, plucking up colorful Easter eggs wherever they might find them. Hope you can see the scattered eggs in the top picture. And the mom's hid a bunch that were hard to find. In the end, if some found more eggs than others, they shared their bounty with each other. Shelby is seen here with her good buddy. And last but never least is Elijah man, who enjoyed his own egg hunt and party at pre-school today. He was so thrilled with this basket of goodies and proudly and carefully carried it to the car when I picked him up. The kids had a good time today. So did I.