Chasing the clouds away
On my way
To where the air is sweet …
Grandpeeps Shelby and Elijah are on the second week of their spring break. We spent the day together, attached to our iPad minis and computer, until we realized we were missing out on a perfectly gorgeous day outside.
Sunny blue sky day with a cool wind ~ who could resist the tree swing?
We enjoyed some low tech fun blowing bubbles.
And letting the wind do the work sometimes
Hard to catch, bubbles are
Couldn’t let the sunny day go by without making a gratuitous shadow picture
Then we trekked into the woods, looking for a swinging vine to no avail. Elijah contemplated this question mark shaped stick and thought it was interesting enough to take home with him.
Shelby had a great time hanging long limbs between tree trunks. It’s the little things, you see. We don’t need no stinkin iPads to have fun!
It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood which I enjoyed spending with my grandpeeps, especially once we escaped the house and went outside. I took pictures of bare trees and blue sky which always makes me happy and even found a cool walking stick [Shelby called it a ‘Gandalf stick’] [and if you don’t know who Gandalf is, Google it]. Can you tell me how to get … how to get to… ? You know the rest, don’t you? [if you don’t, Google it]
My little sister, Ann Mabry Sissom, turns 54 years young today. Happy Birthday, Ann!! Love & Hugs from me and Neil.