Granddaughter Shelby, grandson Elijah and son in law Jerry stylin on this soggy Easter Sunday.
The Myers Family ~ Shelby, Elijah, Jerry and Holly
Neil and me with our Myers Peeps
This is grandson Knox’s second Easter.
Holly and the kids made these beautiful Easter eggs and deviled eggs. Delicious eye candy!
Elijah looks like the mushroom character in Mario Bros. with his Easter basket on upside down.
Niece Sarah lovin on Shelby
We were forced to hide eggs in the house this year, but that just made the hunt more of a challenge. Sort of.
Knox was excited about his Elmo Easter basket.
The hunt spilled out onto the front porch where Elijah checks out the contents of one of his eggs.
Knox got into the hunt ~ with a little help from Aunt Holly.
I love this smile on Elijah’s face. Makes me smile.
Sarah is beyond the egg hunt stage, but she did have to look for her prize egg which she found in the kettle on the woodstove.
Niece Julia found her prize egg pretty easily, too.
And so did Shelby.
It took Elijah a while to locate his. Grandpa hid it well.
My Easter Peeps ~ Elijah, Sarah, Knox, Julia, and Shelby. I love our Easter egg hunt tradition which means more to me each year as these kids grow older. Love all of you!
“I’m all ears!” What’s Easter without a chocolate bunny?!
Happy Easter!