Monday, July 12, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Three 2010

Cell Phone Camera Pix With Solaris Color Setting

The solaris color setting on my cell phone camera can give a photograph a painted or posterized look. These pictures are so small; it's hard to see the effect. Click on the pic to check out a larger size. Does your cell phone camera have a solaris color setting? Try it. It's neat.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Two 2010

Happy (almost) 15th Birthday, Sarah!

My niece, Sarah Catherine Foy, celebrated her 15th birthday today (a couple of days early). An ongoing love affair with the mustache inspired her birthday cake decorations. Wearing a mustache was, of course, a must.
So we all wore mustaches to help her celebrate.

Sarah got lots of goodies--some of them mustache related--but the shiny new bike from her mom and dad was probably the best gift of them all. Ride, Sarah, ride! The party was great fun. Happy Birthday, sweet niece! You know I love you to pieces. I wish you all the best of everything always. Hope you have as much fun on your real birthday!
(And thank you, Jane and Don, for these pictures. Yours turned out way better than mine.)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety 2010

Hooray For Friday!

Always happy when this rolls around.

Storm clouds brewing over Cookeville at lunch time today. They were so pretty.

Waiting out the rain at Mickey D's.

TV Bomb Pop Zombies. They resemble some kids I know.

Oh yes. It's that good.

Got rain? We did! Hooray!

Looking out my back door.

Mother and child reunion. Mom and Baby Snail were clinging to the side of the front porch. I've never seen a snail that tiny.

Water droplet art.

Buddy Cat says, "Hey!" We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day One Hundred Eighty Nine 2010

Baby, You Can Drive My Car

When I got in the car at lunch time today, this unidentified flying object was sitting on top of my steering wheel. It startled me, but I didn't seem to startle it. It just sat there, making no move to leave, so I took its picture and now it's part of blog history.