Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day Two Hundred Thirty Eight 2010

Just For Fun

I ordered these plastic color lens and flash filters from the Photojojo store online. If you enjoy photography and taking pictures, you should check out this website. It's tons of fun with cool stuff to buy like unusual cameras and accessories. I saw these filters--you just hold them in front of your camera lens or over your flash and click--and thought they might be fun.

I took a few sample shots just to test them out this afternoon, aiming toward the bright light filtering through my front door.

There are eight of these little plastic cards in the proverbial rainbow of colors.

I won't bore you with every picture I snapped.

I think I'm going to have some fun with this.

Photojojo is a fun and playful website. Each time they send your order, they enclose a dinosaur which is listed on the invoice as Rawwwwr! No charge, of course. Check it out sometime.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day Two Hundred Thirty Seven 2010

Video Mania

Grandson Elijah is four years old and has already mastered the video game controls on Play Station 2. He brought over his Scooby Doo game today and played off and on most of the afternoon. (I think the last video game I played was Pong.) By 3:30 he was ready to go outside and jump around on the trampoline for a while with his old granny. Now that I know how to play.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day Two Hundred Thirty Six 2010

Something To Celebrate Among The Weeds In My Backyard

My backyard is feeling neglected these days, but I discovered a few spots of beauty. It is there. You just have to look for it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day Two Hundred Thirty Five 2010

They Eat Bugs, Don't They?

These spiders have set up housekeeping in the bushes beside my daughter Holly's front door. I think they are called garden spiders. They are probably three inches long. There are at least five of them camping out in her bushes on one side of the porch, and they weave the most interesting webs. When I leaned in to snap their pictures, I figured one of them would suddenly leap at me and latch onto my face. Just being near them made the hair stand up on my arms and the back of my neck. Holly isn't going to attempt to shoo them away. After all, they do eat bugs. Which goes to show you God made everything for a reason. Sweet dreams, y'all!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day Two Hundred Thirty Four 2010

Sunday Postcards From Cream City

Sound advice from a sticker on a shop window in artsy West Side across from the train depot in my town.

Niece Sarah, daughter Kelly, sister Jane and niece Julia (and moi) gathered at the Cream City Ice Cream Shop for a tasty frozen and/or icy treat this afternoon.

The girls brought Pictionary. We had some laughs looking through the old drawings, trying to figure out what words they could mean. Not much luck with that, so we made new drawings.

Julia in silhouette with the train depot in the background.

Like sand through the hour glass .... Sarah watches time slipping away. Our time did fly by. It always does because we have so much fun hanging out together. Would loved to have taken more pics, but my cell phone battery died. Looking forward to the next time, peeps!