Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day Three Hundred Fifty 2010

Happy 32nd Birthday, Holly!

My Christmas baby, daughter Holly, celebrated her 32nd birthday today. Here she is with her traditional Baskin-Robbins chocolate cake with chocolate chip ice cream.

She was four days old here--her first day home from the hospital. She came home tucked inside a red Christmas stocking. Holly, you are one of my greatest blessings--always have been and always will be. So glad you are mine! I love you and wish you every good thing today and always. Happy Birthday, Dear Daughter!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day Three Hundred Forty Nine 2010

Is That You, Rocky?

This is a first for me--seeing a raccoon climb up a fence and eat from a bird feeder. I took these pictures last night when our two resident raccoons emerged from under the back porch and started looking for a meal. This is the smaller of the two. It easily climbed the fence post and pulled the bird feeder over so he could munch on the sunflower seeds. Weird, wild stuff.

This one is the bigger one. It tried to climb the post and got about halfway up. It must have changed its mind because it suddenly slowly eased itself back down to the ground. I keep saying "It" because I have no idea if it is male or female. It just roots around on the ground below the bird feeder and eats the sunflower seeds already there. Sometimes they stop and stare at me while I stare at them, then they go about their feeding business. They're fun critters to watch, and I suppose they're here to stay as long as there's cat food and bird seed to feast on.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day Three Hundred Forty Seven 2010

Baby, It's COLD Outside!

I don't think the temperature rose above 15 degrees all day. We had a ton of snow--maybe 8 inches at my house. Flurries all day. I think it has finally stopped. Middle Tennessee doesn't normally experience this kind of cold and snowfall in December, and it's still officially Fall. It's so beautiful, but I'm ready for it to be gone already. So much to do! So little time!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Three Hundred Forty Six 2010

Got Snow?!

Blue jay snacks and watches the flurries.

Sometimes the snow would come down in gentle flurries and then suddenly turn into a white out. Lots of cold bluster today.

The snow really started to accumulate this afternoon. A beautiful inconvenience! No school on Monday.

Christmas tree lights reflected in the pane of glass made it hard to take pictures through the living room door but made for some ethereal snow decorations.
If you've got snow where you are tonight, I wish you a safe and cozy evening.