My Christmas baby, daughter Holly, celebrated her 32nd birthday today. Here she is with her traditional Baskin-Robbins chocolate cake with chocolate chip ice cream.

She was four days old here--her first day home from the hospital. She came home tucked inside a red Christmas stocking. Holly, you are one of my greatest blessings--always have been and always will be. So glad you are mine! I love you and wish you every good thing today and always. Happy Birthday, Dear Daughter!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It was a fun night!!! Love you!!!
Happy Birthday, sweet little squab! Love you!!!
Glad we got to come to the party, just sorry I didn't get to enjoy the cake! Love you, Holly! (Kay, can't believe you got to stay in the hospital so long after having Holly!)
Yeah, Jane, those were the days, I guess--a four day hospital stay with the new kid. I remember I was gone so long that Kelly just about forgot who I was. Hope you are feeling better today! At least school is out for two weeks. You guys enjoy your holiday :)
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