Grand daughter Shelby has been playing the Wii version of the video game ‘Zelda’ this week at my house. She’s been playing for quite some time. She also has the Nintendo DS version. This week, she’s been making huge leaps in the game, and when that happens, you just can’t quit. This is literally all she did Tuesday and again today, except for a break for lunch and the occasional bathroom break. And maybe once to eat a Nutty Buddy. Amazingly, her brother Elijah has been content to sit by her side and watch her play. He gets just as excited as she does when she finally conquers something. He has even helped her out at times when she couldn’t quite get it done. I can only hope that playing the quest game creates new brain cells (problem solving) and doesn’t destroy them. At any rate, these two are having great fun in the process.
PS~Looks like I jumped the gun yesterday on the shortest day of the year. Hubby Neil says it is today. So Happy Winter Solstice, y'all!
Cute! I'm glad Elijah enjoys watching Shelby play instead of wanting to play for her! :) Happy Winter! Wish the weather would act like winter!
I'm getting old because I seem to be content with this mild weather. Now, the rain I can do without. I'm sick to death of it!
I love the mild weather too! I was thinking that video games like that would keep your brain active as well as build up your eye/hand coordination :0)
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