Postcards From Poet's On The Square
The gang's all here around the tables at Poet's coffee shop this afternoon where we gathered to hang out, enjoy some tasty drinks, make a lot of noise, and play 'Apples To Apples'. From left around the table: niece Sarah Foy, daughter Kelly Kimbrough, grand daughter Shelby Myers, niece Julia Foy, daughter Holly Myers, grand son Elijah Myers, and son in law Kerry Kimbrough.
Holly and Elijah contemplate what the meaning of the word "is" is ... no, I'm kidding ... I have no idea what they're thinking, but I do know that Elijah concentrates better with a Fruit Rollup hanging out of his mouth.
Kelly, Shelby, and Julia are in the process of choosing the card in their hand with the word that best fits the meaning of the word on the card turned face up on the table. (uh huh yes it does
so make sense.)
Sarah enjoys her orange mango (I think) smoothie while waiting for everyone else to choose their cards and lay them in the pile. She's got some sparkle going on there. I think those vampires may have rubbed off on her last night at the movie.
Each person takes a turn at judging the cards and picking the best match. Looks like Shelby's in the judges seat.
Shelby and Julia having some fun. (That's my peach smoothie--it was delicious)
Holly's thinking, Hmmm...which card...which card.....Elijah was content to just hang and toss in a card now and then.
Mmmm, Mmmm, Mmmmm! Sarah says it doesn't get any better than this. Yummy drinks, fun card game, great family hang time. I totally agree. Let's do this again sometime. Soon!