Feeling patriotic today. Or maybe fruity. I’m not sure what inspired me to arrange fresh strawberries and frozen blueberries on this plate I bought at the Nashville Flea Market last Friday. The vintage feel of the plate seemed to call for a vintage photo look, so I ran the photo through filters and frames on http://pixlr.com/o-matic/ and here you go. More fun than a human being should be allowed to have in the span of fifteen minutes. Happy Thursday, everyone! Hope yours was inspired.
Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Day One Hundred Seventy Eight 2013
Fresh and Frozen - Vintage Fruit

Feeling patriotic today. Or maybe fruity. I’m not sure what inspired me to arrange fresh strawberries and frozen blueberries on this plate I bought at the Nashville Flea Market last Friday. The vintage feel of the plate seemed to call for a vintage photo look, so I ran the photo through filters and frames on http://pixlr.com/o-matic/ and here you go. More fun than a human being should be allowed to have in the span of fifteen minutes. Happy Thursday, everyone! Hope yours was inspired.
Feeling patriotic today. Or maybe fruity. I’m not sure what inspired me to arrange fresh strawberries and frozen blueberries on this plate I bought at the Nashville Flea Market last Friday. The vintage feel of the plate seemed to call for a vintage photo look, so I ran the photo through filters and frames on http://pixlr.com/o-matic/ and here you go. More fun than a human being should be allowed to have in the span of fifteen minutes. Happy Thursday, everyone! Hope yours was inspired.
Day One Hundred Seventy Eight 2013,
Nashville Flea Market,
photo filter,
project 365,
three sixty five,
vintage photo,
vintage plate
Friday, November 18, 2011
Day Three Hundred Twenty Two 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Day Two Hundred Fifty Three 2011
During half time in the Tennessee/Cincinnati game, I wandered around the house, shooting some pictures using my little macro lens--just random stuff because it's fun, although the bees on the flowers weren't too happy with my camera an inch from their flying crawling bodies. And I didn't even know that spider was there until he suddenly popped into focus (I was trying to take a picture of the colorful leaf behind him). The top picture is one of the blooms on my pumpkin vine, so maybe I'll have a pumpkin or two before too long. Can you guess what the bottom two pictures are? OK I'll tell you--marbles in an old jar. It was a beautiful Saturday, much too nice to be cooped up indoors watching football, but the game was pretty exciting and I'm happy to say that Tennessee won (45-23). Not too shabby. Now that's good stuff.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Day One Hundred Forty Four 2011
Looks like we'll have another bumper crop of mulberries. The tree is loaded with them, and they're already ripe and juicy, which means several weeks of purple bird poop on the windshield of the car and truck, not to mention the purple footprints tracking across the kitchen floor. The kids love to pick them and eat them (Elijah sampled one this afternoon) so I guess the temporary mess is all worthwhile. Click on the title of this post for a link to info about these berries. (Thanks, Ann!)
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