Duct tape is a man’s best friend. And only a man would do something like this. Hubby Neil had the day off and planned on doing a little crawling around under the house, cleaning out our nasty basement. His equally nasty jeans have huge holes in the knees, and it was cold out, so he covered up the holes with duct tape. Nice insulation, but I’m sure it made for some sticky knees.

Such a gorgeous day! Not a cloud.

We decided it was a good day for a walk. The sun was out. The sky was blue. We didn’t realize how cold it actually was when we set out around four. Sun was going down by then. Long shadows. Short walk.

Chilly night = chili night! Oh yummy! Happy Monday, everyone!
“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.