Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day One Hundred Ninety Seven

We visit our mom at her place every week for lunch, and
on Summer days like this we end up outside on the porch
swing, in the rocking chairs, and of course out by the pond
and the willows.

Ann always takes the kids up on the hill to throw some
rocks in the pond. This is Elijah's favorite part of the day.
Elijah gets a closer aim at the pond with his rocks while
Ann watches and Julia snaps pictures of the day. She always
takes such great photos. Check out her blog at

Elijah relaxes under one of the beautiful willow trees that
grow along side the pond.

Most of the gang is still here after lunch--that's brother Ken,
niece Sarah, Elijah, sister Jane, sister Ann and Mom. I always
enjoy our time together. Good times, great memories!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day One Hundred Ninety Six

Even after a whole week since she showed up in the yard,
the new kitty Sally is still the new toy they both fight over.
They take turns holding her for five minutes each. Elijah is
usually reluctant to hand her over when his time is up, but
today he was very cooperative. I think it was partly because
he was ready to go inside and watch Scooby Doo episodes.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day One Hundred Ninety Five

Random pictures from today......

The new kitty on the block, Sally, talks a lot. Seems I
caught her in mid sentence......

Never ignore anything in the shape of a heart. Not even
a long dead leaf resting in a puddle of rain water with
some rusting screws......

I love the swirls on some of these yet to bloom purple
flowers growing in our back yard.
Can you tell the grand kiddos were not around today?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day One Hundred Ninety Four

Happy 14th Birthday, Sarah!

Hard to believe my niece Sarah Foy is 14 years old today.
Here she is in her newborn picture July 13, 1995 and in her
school picture taken last Fall. She's grown up way too fast as
I'm sure her parents will tell you. She's a Christian young lady
who is a talented singer, actress and writer. I love you bunches,
Sarah, and wish you every happiness today and always.
My daughter Kelly and I thought we'd take Shelby and Elijah
to Wal-Mart today to buy the new kitten some kitten-sized
food and maybe a toy to play with. We ended up at Petco which
is almost like a visit to a zoo. First time I've ever been in there
and it's a pretty neat place. Here Elijah checks out the kitty

Kelly and Shelby compare kitty toys and end up picking out
a couple of feathered numbers they thought would interest
little miss "Sally".

Elijah mans a kid-sized shopping cart and wheels our toy
choices all over the store. We checked out all sorts of animals,
birds, fishies, and reptiles.

The ones that caught their attention the most were the
little white mice which were piled in a corner on top of each
other. There was one in the exercise wheel, running in
circles. That made them laugh.

Shelby tries out one of the new toys with "Sally" kitty. She
seemed to like it (the kitty, that is).

Day One Hundred Ninety Three

Farm Town on Facebook is addictive to some of us addictive types. I spent so much time on my farm last night that I forgot to post anything here. Better late than never I guess. I changed my avatar to look like a gray haired granny because all the girls on Farm Town pretty much look a like. So here "I" am standing in front of my farmhouse surrounded by my banana trees and roses and cats and dogs and llamas, etc. I know. It's crazy. But crazy in a fun way. Obsess much?