Showing posts with label Ken Mabry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ken Mabry. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day Sixty Six 2013

Spring Break lunch today at my brother Ken’s new digs with sisters, nieces, nephews and hubby. Ken moved back to town recently, which means we get to spend more time together. He has decorated his home with several of his son Ian’s sculptures, including this bust Ian fashioned after his dad. The resemblance is spot on, don’t you think? (minus the mustache of course)
Here’s another take with the bust stylin in niece Sarah’s hat and sister Jane’s glasses. Can you say Facebook profile picture?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day One Hundred Seventy Nine 2010

Happy Birthday, Ken!

Big Brother, Little Sister. I was always tagging after him as we grew up.

He was just the coolest guy ever. When we were teenagers, my girlfriends swooned over him. No kidding. He looked like Elvis and he was a disc jockey playing rock and roll on the radio. My hero. I was devastated when he had to go off and join the Air Force. We wrote letters to each other.

He's still my cool D.J. big brother, funny and smart and sweet, and I love him to pieces. Happy 61st Birthday, Big Ken Zombie (BKZ)! And remember--zombies hate that you are awesome. You are awesome! I'm so blessed to have you in my life. Wishing you peace, love and happiness today and always.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day Forty Nine

The lunch bunch at our mom's place today--around the table from left: brother Ken, niece Sarah, MOM, sister Ann, niece Julia, and sister Jane. It's not that often that we all get to hang out together at the same time. But this day (snow day!) we got to pig on Krystal's and subs and peanut M&M's, and generally misbehave and make a lot of noise which turns out to be mostly laughter. Good for the psyche and the soul and maybe even the circulatory system, who knows. Hope we all get to do it again soon.
And a shout out to my son-in-law Jerry who turns 32 years old today. Happy Birthday, Jerry! Hope you get to go bass fishing soon. We love you!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day Three Hundred Fifty One

Christmas Party At Morningside

Shelby, Santa, and Elijah share some smiles and candy canes.

Julia, Sarah, and Holly add some bling to the tree.

These people have had too much sweet tea to drink. Holly, Sarah, me, and Ann....doing who knows what.

Mom/Granny and Kelly share some holiday smiles.

Jane knew Kerry would look better with some rabbit ears. Ken and Don = life of the party.

We let brother Ken get away too soon before Kelly took this group shot of Mom and the kids. Me, Ann, Mom, and Jane. Oh yeah, girls rock! We all enjoyed a jolly good time and a tasty meal and hope to do it all over again this time next year.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day Three Hundred Two

Fangs For The Memories ...

My sister Ann brought a bag of chocolate caramel candy corn to lunch with Mom today, and things got a little wacky.

Big brother Ken grew some candy corn fangs, too.

And even Mom got in on the act. It was funny because hers kept popping out. We had fun together and lost track of time. Good times!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day Two Hundred Eighty Six

Each day just goes so fast. I turn around it's passed. You don't get time to hang a sign on me .....
'Love You To' ~ George Harrison

Got together for lunch with Mom, sisters, brother, nephew and nieces at Mom's place today. Ann, Ken, and Mom get ready to dig in.

Julia, Jane, and Ann caught in the act of some serious chowing down.

Ken and Chris share some laughs, while Sarah gets ready to pop open the pudding cup. We always have a great time getting together for lunch with Mom, especially during the school breaks. We laughed and cried and laughed some more and sang Beatles' tunes and ate Mom's left over cake she didn't eat because it had too much icing. Go figure. It all just goes so fast ... Good times, great memories!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day One Hundred Ninety Seven

We visit our mom at her place every week for lunch, and
on Summer days like this we end up outside on the porch
swing, in the rocking chairs, and of course out by the pond
and the willows.

Ann always takes the kids up on the hill to throw some
rocks in the pond. This is Elijah's favorite part of the day.
Elijah gets a closer aim at the pond with his rocks while
Ann watches and Julia snaps pictures of the day. She always
takes such great photos. Check out her blog at

Elijah relaxes under one of the beautiful willow trees that
grow along side the pond.

Most of the gang is still here after lunch--that's brother Ken,
niece Sarah, Elijah, sister Jane, sister Ann and Mom. I always
enjoy our time together. Good times, great memories!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day One Hundred Seventy Two

Today is Father's Day. Here is Neil with daughters Kelly
and Holly. They treated him to a homemade spaghetti
lunch with all the fixins at Holly's house. We enjoyed a D.Q.
ice cream cake for dessert.

Here is our son in law Jerry with his kiddos Shelby and
Elijah. We all had a fun time together this afternoon.

My dad passed away ten years ago. Here he is with me and
my brother Ken back in 1953. He was with us in spirit today
because the spaghetti sauce we enjoyed for our special lunch
was his own unique recipe and simply the best in the world.
Love you and miss you, Pop!
God bless fathers everywhere!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day One Hundred Fifty Five

Enjoyed the afternoon with family at Mom's place. Lots of
discussions and laughter and remembering and picture taking.
As usual, we stirred things up and rocked the place and had
a great time together. Love you guys!! Let's do it all over again
next week.

The girls show off their Summer Toes: from top and going
clockwise: Sarah Foy, Ann Sissom, Julia Foy, me, Jane Foy
and Shelby Myers.

Grand son Elijah shows off his pre-school scrapbook to his
Great Uncle Ken Mabry and his Great Granny Hamp Mabry.
Couldn't leave these important people out, as they did not
make it into the Summer Toes picture.

Check out for the negative
color setting of Summer Toes!