Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day Three Hundred Seventeen 2010

"I love the leaves
I do not know why.
Is it their colors?
Or how they fly?
They crunch
And crinkle
Under my feet;
I pile them up
And take a leap."
~~Beth Paulsen


Ann S. said...

It don't get no better than that! I love the smell of dead leaves. That last pic is too cute :) Simple childhood pleasures.

Jane said...

Reminds me of playing in the leaves as a kid. I love the pics of Elijah helping with the leaves (then getting IN the leaves!) :) I always hated the leaf-sucking machine, sucking up all our fun!

Kay R. said...

That leaf sucking machine made a huge mess as it went by, sucking up the leaves--mulched them into bits then blew them back out the top of the truck. It rained leaf mulch all over everything. Mess!

Kelly said...

Great pictures!!! Too cute!!! Glad he got to enjoy the leaf pile before they sucked it up :o) Never seen a bigger mess! :o)