Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? He sure does love him some peanut butter. Some other critter--squirrel or raccoon I'm guessing--tore down one of the other bird feeders and literally carried it off somewhere. I haven't been able to find it, so I'm thinking raccoon. Apparently it never learned how to share.
FYI: my nature-loving sister Ann researched the bird in this picture. It is a Downy Woodpecker. Mystery solved! Thanks, Ann!
I don't think I've seen this kind of bird before. He's pretty! I wonder if they make "racoon-proof" bird feeders! :-)
I did some research and found that the bird in your picture is a Downy Woodpecker. Pretty little thing. I've never seen one before. Sorry about your bird feeder :(
Pretty bird :o) Can't believe the raccoons stole your bird feeder!!! Check under the porch!
Thanks for the info, Ann! I looked up birds last night. I figured it might be some kind of woodpeckerj because that's what it looks like, so I checked those mostly, but never could find it. So many birds! I finally gave up. So thanks for the research.
Both raccoons were up on the fence last night, actually fighting over the sunflower seed in the feeder we have left. Pigs!
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