Friday, December 31, 2010

Day Three Hundred Sixty Five 2010

~~Goodbye, 2010!~~Happy New Year!~~

The book is closed, the year is done,
The pages full of tasks begun.
A little joy, a little care,
Along with dreams, are written there.
This new day brings another year,
Renewing hope, dispelling fear.
And we may find before the end,
A deep content, another friend. ~~ Arch Ward


Jane said...

A fitting end to the year - a picture of you that we so rarely see! I've enjoyed your blog this year and hope you will continue it in 2011! Love you! Happy New Year!

Jane said...

ps- love the new slide show!

Kay R. said...

Thanks, Jane!!

Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year!! Love and Hugs from me to you, sister!!

ps -- i've got pictures of Kerry I'm going to scan and add to that slideshow Stay tuned :)

Ann S. said...

What Jane said :0) It is a fitting last picture of the year for your blog. I've enjoyed your pictures this year and sharing that love of photography with you! Keep up the good work and hope you keep your 365 blog going in 2011. Happy New Year to you and Neil. Love you both lots!!!!

Kelly said...

Ann and Jane pretty much said it all! I always enjoy looking at your blog each night ... keeps me posted on the goings on. Your photos & narratives are always AWESOME and INSPIRATIONAL!!! (I used 'narratives' correctly, right? ) I hope you continue!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! LOVE YOU!!!!

ps... Love your last photo of the year!!! Good to see you!!!