Grandson Elijah played double header Vision Basketball this afternoon.
Grandson Knox and his mom Kelly made a special trip to see Elijah’s games. This was the first basketball game Knox had ever seen. He kept pointing and saying, “Ball!” He wanted to get out there on the court and play, too.
Elijah jumps for that ball. Thanks for the pic, Kelly!
Elijah in the fray. His team lost (badly) to the first team they played but won their second game by two points.
Knox finally got his chance to play on the court after the game. We were afraid he was going to get beaned by an out of control basketball. He didn’t.
Granddaughter Shelby comes to all her brother’s games (well, no choice there, really) but she patiently watches and roots for his team to win.
Today was a cold windy raw day. We got bursts of snow flurries (mini blizzards) throughout the afternoon. Neighbor kitty Lily, her fur dotted with snowflakes, was at our door, hoping to come inside.
Snow on the roof
Elijah Man = Cool Dude!
Trying to get the grand peeps all in one spot to snap a group shot is like herding cats but it can be done.
Knox and Shelby checking out fun stuff on Shelby’s mini iPad.
The sun finally came shining through on its way down. The snow left and so did my peeps. Sometimes, the briefest moments together are the most fun and the best remembered.
Heartfelt sympathy to my brother in law Don Foy and family in the loss of his mother today. Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow. May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead. You all are in our prayers.