Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day One Hundred Eighteen 2013

Yummy DQ Butterfinger Blizzard ~ decadent Sunday treat. We ended up in the middle of a birthday party for some kid. His/her friends sang ‘Happy birthday to you—cha cha cha—happy birthday to you—cha cha cha—‘ I’ve never heard that rendition before, but it was a fine performance.
Happy Sunday, everyone! Hope it was sweet.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day One Hundred Seventeen 2013

Neil spent a lot of time today hanging new mini blinds on our living room windows. The old ones had been there for nearly thirty years. Back then, we couldn’t find blinds to fully cover our rather large, old-house windows.
I don’t have a before picture to show you, but take my word for it, the after blinds look so much better. And brighter. And definitely cleaner. Hooray for my handy man hubby!
Happy Saturday, y’all!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day One Hundred Fifteen 2013

Grandson Elijah had his game face on.
Lots of good fielding in the game.
And lots of good hustle.
And the batters all did their best. But Elijah’s gray team lost to the blue team 17~11. So much for Elijah’s prediction that this team would be easy [because they haven’t won a single game~well~until now]. You’ll get ‘em next time, guys!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day One Hundred Fourteen 2013

Grandson Elijah’s stubborn loose tooth finally gave up and fell out all by itself today at school. He’d been wiggling that thing around for weeks.
He says it’s hard to bite apples and that he’ll have to eat apple slices. The other upper front tooth is loose, too. Stay tuned.