Yes, I am a Fanilow. Got hooked on Barry Manilow waaay back in 1974, and I’ve had the opportunity to see him in concert several times over the decades (I’m making myself feel really old right now). My dear hubby Neil and I enjoyed his concert tonight at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. And these pictures are the clearest ones I managed to take. He played to a packed house, to little kids and old geezers such as myself, and all ages in between. His voice is still awesome, his tunes are classic, and he still knows how to entertain. He has slowed down a bit—not nearly as active on stage as he once was when we were all younger—but his voice still blows me away (and everyone else in the house). Coolest part of the show—singing ‘Mandy’ and ‘Could It Be Magic’ with a video of his 1975 self on ‘Midnight Special’ (remember that show?). I’m glad I got to see him perform again in concert (last time he was in Nashville was ten years ago), and yes even Neil, who is not particularly a fan, said he's a class act. Could it be magic? Oh yes.